5 Beauty Tips for Fabulous Fall Skin

Show Your Skin Some Love
As we move out of summer, you might notice changes in your skin. That’s because the most people have combination skin, which tends to get oily in the summer and dry out in the winter. To keep your skin feeling fresh and smooth, you’ll want to lighten up on any harsh astringents and start incorporating more moisturizers into your skincare routine this autumn.
As important as cleansing is, some cleansers have ingredients that dry out the skin too much, which can end up causing your skin to overcompensate by producing excess acne-causing oil. Avoid products with high concentrations of alcohol and vinegar, and use less drying ingredients like rose water, diluted tea tree oil, and alcohol-free witch hazel instead. You might also want to consult a dermatologist for skin rejuvenating products that can both cleanse and moisturize.
Stay Smooth Without the Stress
Now that the weather’s cooling down and the layers are coming back on, there’s less pressure to keep your legs smooth and hair-free. For many people, it’s a big relief. Shaving, waxing, and plucking can be irritating and time-consuming, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Get a Sunless Glow
Though too much sun can hurt your skin, a little bit of sunshine will go a long way. As the weather gets colder, it can be difficult for your skin to get enough sunlight to produce its own Vitamin D. This little bit of sunlight kick-starts Vitamin D production, which contributes to healthy skin cell growth and helps fight the free radicals that can cause premature aging.
This fall, keep your skin feeling and looking its best by taking Vitamin D supplements and eating foods that are rich in Vitamin D, like fish and seafood, soy and almond milk, and fortified juices.

Start Setting Body Goals
The active autumn rush is the perfect time to start working on achieving your body goals. Get excited about fitness! Find a new workout buddy, set a new exercise plan, and make time to treat yourself every now and then.
Don’t be discouraged if you’re still struggling with the same stubborn spots as before the summer—after all, there are always going to be some challenging bulges and bunches that no amount of diet and exercise can take care of.

Dr Durand
For more information on how to be your best self, make an appointment for a personalized consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. For over 25 years, Dr Durand has helped countless thousands of patients achieve their goals Book your appointment now at www.danieldurand.ca

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